Track Record and Experience

The founder has more than three decades of investment and commercial banking experience with a track record of value creation in the Asia Pacific region.

Investment and Finance Track Records

Fund Management
  1. A recent ten years’ Time Weighted Rate of Return (TWRR) of 1,276% as compared with 136% of the market index (Outperformed the market by 9.38X folds). This TWRR is equivalent to a Compound Annual Rate of Return (CARR) of 29%. Audited by Ernst & Young.
  2. Supervised the best performing equity fund since 1993 in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange for several years until voluntary closure according to Watson Wyatt Survey.
  3. Cut losses earlier during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis despite initial objection by Board of Directors and eventually saved the company.
  4. Founder of a Derivatives Hedge Fund incorporated in the Cayman Islands in year 2000.
  5. Structured and implemented a tax efficient offshore trading company in Hong Kong.
Financial Research
  1. Back tested a portfolio of 200 computerized technical trading systems on major world financial markets.
  2. Built a library of mostly investment related, with more than a thousand titles.
  3. Master thesis empirically proven the impact of institutional trading on the FTSE index.
  4. Empirically proven several market axioms/adages and made a breakthrough in how technical trading rules work (not in the Ph.D. thesis and unpublished).
  5. PhD. supervised by Terence Mills, a leading time series expert with about 300 publications and author of the first applied financial econometrics software in the market (80% of the world largest banks used the products in earlier years of 2000s).
  6. Examined by Chris Brooks, a leading researcher tracked by Hedge Funds and Director of Research at International Securities Markets Association, UK
  7. The top two most downloaded PhD thesis in the department despite no publication.
  8. BSc dissertation in “World cocoa market prospects”. Predicted the subsequent long depressed cocoa market. Dissertation borrowed by Cadbury Ltd.
  9. First runner up in market forecast competition at the New York Institute of Finance.
Financial Management
  1. Structured and implemented a consumer finance business with a potential listing value of RM1.0 billion within a period of more than a year with nominal capital outlay.
  2. A fifteen folds jump in profit within one and a half year after taking over a branch of a financial institution.
  3. Succeeded in getting a refund of several millions tax payments from Inland Revenue shortly after joining an investment company.
  4. Instrumental in the listing exercise of several companies in Malaysia, Australia, and Canada exchanges.

Track Records of The Following Upon Request

Mining, real estate, agriculture, aquaculture, wood industry, manufacturing, automobiles, gaming, fund and software marketing.


  • BSc (Hon), Agriculture with Agricultural Economics, University of Wales, UK.
  • MA, Financial Economics (banking and fin), Institute of European Finance, UK.
  • Diploma, US Money and Capital Markets, New York Institute of Finance, USA.
  • Professional, Certified financial planner, USA.
  • PhD, Investment trading, Loughborough University, UK.

Conferences and Seminars

Attended well over a hundred of local and overseas investment and business-related seminars and conferences ranging from barter trade to financial derivatives.


Actively involved in community services and served in various avenues of the Lions Club, Rotary Club, and religious body; and currently the Immediate Past President of Food for the Hungry International Malaysia (FHIM), amongst others